

Рассылка 'Бесплатные мелодии, программы, видео, обзоры, инструкции.'


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FAQ / Siemens
Опубликовано : 25-05-2006 10:01 | Прочитано : 4886

Siemens / Ошибки при соединении с GPRS

Ошибка 602:
"Модем занят в другом сеансе удаленного подключения к сети.
Закройте этот сеанс и повторите попытку."
Возможные причины:
1. Сеанс ГПРС-интернета уже подключен.
2. СОМ-порт занят (например: вы забыли отключить флешер или эксплорер ;))

Ошибка 629:
"Произошло отключение от удаленного компьютера.
Чтобы восстановить подключение, дважды щелкните по соответствующему значку."
Возможные причины:
1. Проверьте надёжность соединения телефона с компьютером.
2. Услуга GPRS не подключена или заблокирована ОпСоСом, обратитесь к своему оператору.
3. В данном месте GPRS - недоступна. Для проверки, можно провести пробный сеанс WAP-GPRS'а (если эта услуга, естесственно, подключена на Вашем телефоне), если WAP работает, а GPRS - нет, обращайтесь к оператору; если не работает нито, ни то - попробуйте установить коннект в другом месте.

Ошибка 630:
"Модем не отвечает. Проверьте присоединение модема к компьютеру и телефонной линии.
Если неполадки повторятся, нажмите кнопку "Справка" для запуска средства устранения неполадок модема."
Возможные причины:
1. Телефон выключен, или не подключен к СОМ-порту; неверно выставлен номер СОМ-порта (Установка связи/свойства/общие/настройка/порт)
2. Нерабочий или левый дата-кабель (можно попробовать понизить скорость соединения: Установка связи/свойства/общие/настройка/наибольшая скорость)
3. Неверно прописан номер телефона в Установке соединения (должно быть: *99***1#)

Ошибка 645:
"Вызываемый компьютер не может установить подключение удаленного доступа. Обратитесь к поставщику услуг Интернета или администратору сети."
Возможные причины:
1. Неверная строка инициализации (Установка связи/свойства/общие/настройка/подключение/дополнительно/)
2. ОпСоС по каким-то причинам отключил для Вашего номера доступ в интернет.
3. На Вашем телефоне не активированна услуга GPRS.

Ошибка 720:
"Невозможно установить подключение удаленного доступа.
Для устранения неполадок нажмите кнопку "Справка"."
Возможные причины:
1. Неверные установки Имя пользователя и пароля (Установка связи)
2. Неверные настройки адресов DNS (Установка связи/свойства/сеть/настройка TCP_IP/первичный и вторичный адреса DNS).
3. Отсутствие свободных тайм-слотов у ОпСоСа (обычное дело у Мегафона ;().
4. Неустойчвая связь - лечится либо переносом мобильника на более открытое место, либо при помощи подключения внешней антенны.

Сами понимаете, если бы я стал все это еще и переводить, то еще не скоро бы я это разместил.;) Так что, знающий поймет. А "немцы" с "французами" переведут со словариком.))
600 - An operation is pending.
601 - The port handle is invalid.
602 - The port is already open.
603 - The buffer is too small.
604 - The wrong information is specified.
605 - Cannot set port information.
606 - The port is not connected.
607 - The event is invalid.
608 - The device does not exist.
609 - The device type does not exist.
610 - The buffer is invalid.
611 - The route is not available.
612 - The route is not allocated.
613 - Invalid compression is specified.
614 - You are out of buffers.
615 - The port is not found.
616 - An asynchronous request is pending.
617 - The port or device is already disconnecting.
618 - The port is not open.
619 - The port is disconnected.
620 - There are no endpoints.
621 - Cannot open the phone book file.
622 - Cannot load the phone book file.
623 - Cannot find the phone book entry.
624 - Cannot write to the phone book file.
625 - Invalid information is found in the phone book file.
626 - Cannot load a string.
627 - Cannot find a key.
628 - The port is disconnected.
629 - The port is disconnected from the remote machine.
630 - The port is disconnected due to a hardware failure.
631 - The port is disconnected by the user.
632 - The structure size is incorrect.
633 - The port is already in use or is not configured for Remote Access dial out.
634 - Cannot register your computer on the remote network.
635 - There is an unknown error.
636 - The wrong device is attached to the port.
637 - The string could not be converted.
638 - The request has timed out.
639 - There is no asynchronous net available.
640 - A NetBIOS error has occurred.
641 - The server cannot allocate NetBIOS resources needed to support the client.
643 - A network adapter at the server is not working.
644 - You do not receive network message pop-ups.
645 - There is an internal authentication error.
646 - The account is not permitted to logon at this time of day.
647 - The account is disabled.
648 - The password has expired.
649 - The account does not have Remote Access permission.
650 - The Remote Access server is not responding.
651 - Your modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error.
652 - There is an unrecognized response from the device.
653 - A macro required by the device is not found in the <device>.INF file section.
654 - A command or response in the <device>.INF file section refers to an undefined macro.
655 - The Message macro is not found in the <device>.INF file section.
656 - The Defaultoff macro in the <device>.INF file section contains an undefined macro.
657 - The <device>.INF file could not be opened.
658 - The device name in the <device>.INF or the <media>.INI file is too long.
659 - The <media>.INI file refers to an unknown device name.
660 - The <device>.INF file contains no responses for the command.
661 - The <device>.INF file is missing a command.
662 - The macro you are using is not listed in the <device>.INF file.
663 - The <media>.INI file refers to an unknown device type.
664 - Cannot allocate memory.
665 - The port is not configured for Remote Access.
666 - Your modem (or other connecting device) is not functioning.
667 - Cannot read the <media>.INI file.
668 - There is no connection.
669 - The usage parameter in the <media>.INI file is invalid.
670 - Cannot read the section name from the <media>.INI file.
671 - Cannot read the device type from the <media>.INI file.
672 - Cannot read the device name from the <media>.INI file.
673 - Cannot read the usage from the <media>.INI file.
674 - Cannot read the maximum connection BPS rate from the <media>.INI file.
675 - Cannot read the maximum carrier BPS rate from the <media>.INI file.
676 - The line is busy.
677 - A voice line is answering instead of a modem.
678 - There is no answer.
679 - Cannot detect carrier.
680 - There is no dial tone.
681 - There is a general error reported by a device.
691 - Access is denied because the username and/or password is invalid in the domain.
692 - There is a hardware failure in a port or an attached device.
698 - A response keyname in the <device>.INF file is not in the expected format.
699 - The device response is causing a buffer overflow.

700 - The expanded command in the <device>.INF file is too long.
701 - The device moved to a BPS rate is not supported by the COM driver.
702 - A device response is received although it is not expected.
707 - There is an X.25 diagnostic indication.
708 - The account has expired.
709 - There is an error changing the password on the domain. The password may be too short or may match a previously used password.
710 - A serial overrun error is detected while the modem is communicating.
711 - There is a RasMan initialization failure. Check the event log.
712 - A Biplex port is initializing. Wait a few seconds and redial.
713 - No active ISDN lines are available.
714 - No ISDN channels are available to make the call.
715 - Too many errors are occurring because of poor phone line quality.
716 - The Remote Access IP configuration is not usable.
717 - No IP addresses are available in the static pool of Remote Access IP addresses.
718 - The connection is timing out waiting for a valid response from the remote PPP peer.
719 - PPP is terminated by the remote computer.
720 - There are no PPP control protocols configured.
721 - The remote PPP peer is not responding.
722 - The PPP packet is invalid.
723 - The phone number including the prefix and suffix is too long.
724 - The IPX protocol cannot dial-out on the port because the machine is an IPX router.
725 - The IPX protocol cannot dial into the port because the IPX router is not installed.
726 - The IPX protocol cannot be used to dial out from more than one port at a time.
727 - Cannot access the Tcpcfg.dll file.
728 - Cannot find an IP adapter bound to Remote Access.
729 - SLIP cannot be used unless the IP protocol is installed.
730 - Computer registration is not complete.
731 - The protocol is not configured.
732 - The PPP negotiation is not converging.
733 - The PPP control protocol for this network protocol is not available on the server.
734 - The PPP link control protocol is terminated.
735 - The requested address is being rejected by the server.
736 - The remote computer is terminating the control protocol.
737 - There is a loopback detected.
738 - The server is not assigning an address.
739 - The authentication protocol required by the remote server cannot use the Windows NTencrypted password. Redial, and then type the password explicitly.
740 - There is an invalid TAPI configuration.
741 - The local computer does not support encryption.
742 - The remote server does not support encryption.
743 - The remote server requires encryption.
744 - Cannot use the IPX network number assigned by remote server. Check the event log.
751 - There is an invalid callback number.
752 - There is a syntax error in a script that is processing.

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11-04-2009 21:09

Компьютерщик :  Ошибки при соединении с GPRS

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